Analytical reporting does not end with the completion of the report. Equally important is the publication and distribution to authorized users. It would be an excellent solution for a company to create a place to present and publish the results and collect important business information. This is essentially the portal.
Users can publish reports, create groups and grant permissions through the portal. The reports kept in the repository are organized in directories, the structure of which can reflect the company’s organizational structure or its business goals, among others.

Manage report access
PS IMAGO Portal provides advanced access management to published reports. The user can: Create user groups and assign permissions to view specific reports; Set specific availability dates for each report, after which that version of the report is no longer visible; Versioning, allowing the report viewer to view previous versions of the report, e.g. to compare current data with data from an earlier time period.

Distribution and publishing
The PS IMAGO Portal is used to publish and present analysis reports created with PS IMAGO Designer from a single location. The reader can view the reports provided to him/her from anywhere on any device, provided that he/she has Internet access. In addition, a subscription option is used to notify the reader of new reports or report updates as they become available.

Analysis report management
As a user with administrator rights for PS IMAGO Portal, published materials can be organized thematically to facilitate viewing by the portal user, e.g. the portal can be structured according to business objectives or a corporate structure. PS IMAGO Portal also includes an integrated search mechanism that allows the user to search all published content. Report versioning is also a protection against accidental overwriting of the current report version and display of previous versions of the report.

Publishing reports in the cloud
PS IMAGO Portal Cloud is an IT environment dedicated to publishing, storing and managing a company’s data in the cloud. It guarantees uninterrupted access to PS IMAGO Portal and complete security of reports and data stored there). Access to the published content is ensured by a secure communication protocol with SSL certificate, so that reports can be read only by authorized users. PS IMAGO Portal Cloud is a means by which an organization can securely store all analytical information in one place without incurring additional costs:
- Publishing analytical content to the cloud,
- Adaptation of the portal structure to your company’s structure and/or way of working,
- Customization of the portal layout to match the visual identification of your company,
- Accessing reports from any location using a computer or portable device,
reduction of costs related to IT infrastructure, - Sharing of analytical content with selected groups within the company,
- Managing published content and reports,
- Sending notifications about updates and new reports.